
The ZOLL Foundation

Early-stage research funding

How to Apply

Application deadlines for ZOLL Foundation grants are March 31 and September 30. Award recipients are typically announced around June 30 and December 31, respectively.

All applications must include a mentor that will provide both a reference as well as ongoing guidance and support to the researcher. The reference must address both the relevance of the initiative to be funded and the integrity and credentials of the individual applying for the grant. All applicants must disclose any potential or real conflicts of interest in accordance with their institution's or agency's policies.

Receipt of applications will be confirmed via email. Applications are reviewed periodically by the Board of Directors.

The Board will respond to all proposals during the designated schedule below based on two application deadlines per year. Individual board members will on occasion request further information or have direct discussions with grant applicants.

Approved grants will be listed on the ZOLL Foundation website.

Spring deadlineFall Deadline

Report of Activities Associated with Grants

Grant recipients are required to provide a report on the activity for which funding is received. A report of status is required annually, as well as at the completion of the activity.

A simple form for these reports is available by clicking on the Required Grantee Reports button, right.

Grant Eligibility

Grant applicants must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • Be a newer researcher, referenced and mentored by a more established investigator.
  • Have a formal association with an institution or agency.
  • Individual applicants must not be under any professional restrictions and must have all required certifications or licenses necessary to practice their occupation.

Note: Funds awarded will not cover institutional overhead costs.